Friday, April 25, 2008


 Well after several people telling me I needed to blog, here I am. Where to begin? After several months of research, that has added to my years of research, I just couldn't sit back and let my friends, family, and others figure this all out on their own. I felt that I needed to share in a non-invasive way. I want others to have their own convictions to make their own decisions but to have a place where they feel they can be educated on the latest news and research. Not only that, I honestly forget where I read things, and I wanted a place for myself to compile and view in one spot. So yes, this whole website thing is somewhat for selfish reasons too:) 
So what is the latest news that has hit me like a ton of bricks and makes me say "oh my gosh I'm glad I know this now, but man I wish that I knew this...."? The latest statistic that states 1 out of 3 children will be diagnosed with either autism, allergies, asthma, or ADHD, and all of these disorders are being linked to auto-immune disease! Why? What has changed? Well numerous things have, and for some reason our health care officials don't seem to feel obligated to inform us. 
 In 1994 our government allowed products that are produced in large quantities on our farms to be chemically altered. This so that they could say that they had decreased the use of pesticides. Well I am glad for the decrease in pesticides, but chemically altering our foods provides another monster. Ingesting these products (note that unless what you eat is organic or truly "natural" you are ingesting chemically altered food) thus causes a chemical imbalance in our bodies. Interestingly enough Europe and other developed countries have made it manditory for food labels to show that chemically altered products exist in what the consumer is buying and how much. Do you read such information on our labels here? 
Then there are the vaccinations. 20-30 years ago the number of vaccinations given were around 8 and with boosters it totaled around 15. Today the number of vaccinations given along with boosters is approximately 53, and all before the age of 5! I learn that my precious 1 year old had been given 22 vaccination by the age of 6 months! Talk about over loading the body! In addition our traditional medical field is not determining whether or not our precious little ones can handle all of these vaccinations with their current immune system. There is no protocol that doctors have to follow that says test immune system first before giving vaccines. Why? Seems logical to me! Now, I am not saying that I am completely anti-vaccines, but at the rate and quantity we give them yes! Let alone knowing all of the heavy metals that make it into our vaccines as "fillers and preservatives" We are filling our kids with toxins! 
Finally, our environment. I think we all know that what we breathe in our air isn't all that good. There isn't a lot we can do about the outside air that we breathe, but we can make our inside air a little less toxic.  All of our traditional air-fresheners, cleaners, paints, and other home-improvement products contain toxins that we breathe and ultimately ingest into our bodies. "Going Green" can help with these air toxins, and did you know that they are ultimately cheaper! 
 You can imagine why more and more kids are being diagnosed with disorders. I think our kids are telling us something. But luckily there are some great professionals and parents out there trying to boost awareness and  are telling/educating us that we can change and how. It isn't to late! We can still have quality of life in a world of chaos. 
So until my next soap box....

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